I know for sure that God is in the redemption and restoration business.

My heart expands, aches, celebrates, and yearns all at once when I think of my grandbaby. There's no objective reason for this except that she's precious and worthy of love. I often hear myself calling her "Beautiful Love." I'm confident that God thinks of you and me the same way. Maybe you're hardened, so you don't want to imagine God taking you into his arms to hold you close and whisper his love for you in your ear. But to him, you're a "beautiful love." Maybe you're angry because life hasn't unfolded according to your expectations.

Maybe you're deeply sad. You've had deep trauma that has pierced you to the core. As your heart aches, you feel the pain physically. You become light-headed and nauseated thinking of your past. You tremble, and you yearn to go back in time and rescue your younger self.

Or maybe you haven't met your own expectations. You might deeply feel the meaning of "disappointment."  The thing is, He doesn't care if you're throwing a temper tantrum. He doesn't care if you're sad for "illogical" reasons. He doesn't care if you are stubborn and standing firm in your sin.  Simply counting yourself "unworthy" of his love doesn't matter. (You're not worthy of it, and neither am I.) He loves you still. He loves me still.

As you face your past, as you wrestle through a current battle, or when you stare into your unknown future, just know that you're his Beautiful Love.

Last night, I rocked my grandbaby to sleep. She nuzzled into my chest, tucking her cold toes underneath of her and next to me. I instinctively tucked her head beneath my chin and wrapped my arms around her, making sure she was safe and warm. Her soft breathing was regulated by mine as she listened to my heartbeat and I whispered in her ear, "you're my beautiful love."

Nuzzle up to the father today. Get close enough to hear his heartbeat and to listen to him whisper his love to you. Redemption and restoration are waiting for you in his arms.


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